All ANAC Competitions follow the FIG Code of Points – Click HERE
ANAC AeroDance Rules – Click HERE
The following outline is offered as a convenient guide to assist in summarizing and understanding the FIG Aerobic Gymnastic Code of Points 2017-2020. It is devised as a helpful tool to locate and assess the changes to the Code of Points and their relevancy to the routines created by its use. The ANAC does not take responsibility for the contents and usage of the outline or material from which it is derived. It is not intended to replace the FIG Aerobic Gymnastic Code of Points 2017-2020 or to be used to address any significant grievance within a FIG sanctioned Aerobic Gymnastics competition. The ANAC highly recommends its gymnasts, coaches, judges and others involved and/or interested in the sport to carefully read and utilize the Code of Points in its entirety as it is the official and primary source for aerobic gymnastic competition and judging.
Dear Coaches, Athletes and Friends,
Following my recent participation in the FIG Aerobic Gymnastics International Judges’ Course, I prepared for your use the following information:
There are major changes to the Code of Points for the 2017-2020 Olympic Cycle. The following is a list of the changes that MUST be taken into account before beginning the 2017 competition schedule. It is critical that you READ the FIG Code of Points in its entirety before beginning the process of developing your athletes’ routines. Any official questions or inquiries to the FIG Code of Points should be addressed to the FIG Technical Committee. Fernando Leon and I are open to providing you with our assistance with questions in developing your routine and providing direction in questions related to judiciary scoring within the ANAC International Aerobic Championships. All questions and concerns should be sent directly to ANAC Headquarters for official responses. This guideline, though it has no official capacity, should assist you in developing your aerobic gymnastic program.
1. MAJOR CHANGES TO LIFTS: ONE standing, dynamic lift – not static – must be made with an award to be determined by the Head Judge in consultation with the Difficulty Judges. This lift will be awarded with a maximum score of 1.0. Please note that most lifts that were previously evaluated as lifts will no longer be viewed as such according to the new Code. These former lifts MAY be viewed as collaborations. Here are some things of note concerning the new lift criteria.
A. The base competitor can have bent knees, assume the lunge position or have legs together or apart.
B. The competitor/s must be lifted at the shoulder level or higher minimally (to be classified as a lift, then show a precise shape, variations of form, different level and varieties to receive various forms value based on difficulty).
C. Please note that previous lifts used, as a beginning opening pose before the start of music or as an initial pose before the start of the routine, will no longer fulfill the requirements of a lift! Any valued lift must originate from a dynamic lift during the routine.
D. When the lift is initiated no other part of the lifted partner can touch the floor until the completion of the lift.
E. If the lifted person is not lifted above SHOULDER level it is no longer considered as a lift. These movements will now be viewed as collaborations and can add value to your artistic score.
F. Any number of athletes can be lifted in Groups, however, they must be lifted at the same period of time with a controlled ending.
G. Propelling is now allowed after the lifted person has shown different forms, shapes or levels within the airborne phase (please note you are not allowed to propel from the ground to the lifted position).
H. Former lifts now known as collaborations (below the shoulder) cannot contain propelling of any kind.
I. Prohibited moves cannot be performed in the lift.
J. With the new emphasis on scoring a lift there are going to be huge opportunities both positive and negative. On the negative side, you cannot do a direct salto (lifted person) from propelling. Entering a lift with more than 1 acro and height of the lift higher than 2 persons standing in vertical position will also result in a Chair deduction. Finally, you cannot do a prohibited move within a lift. All of these infractions will result in 0.5 Chair deduction.
Lifts Evaluation: There are 5 criteria to achieve the maximum value of a lift – 1.0pt:
i. Entry of the lift
a. Shoulder level +0.1
b. Above shoulder level (with extended arm) +0.2
ii. Athletes can gain additional points by doing some of the following:
a. Showing physical dynamic strength thru strength, flexibility, balance – each one can earn an additional +0.1
b. Change level and shape of the lifted gymnast while in a lift – each change earns an additional +0.1
c. Showing dynamic rotation +0.1
d. Showing an airborne phase +0.1 and if the airborne phase is with a twist +0.2
A. There are new limits and classifications for Acros. There are strict limits on the number of Acrobatic Elements within the framework of a routine. You can now only do TWO Acros in an entire routine. The only time it is not counted in that total is within the framework of a lift.
B. Cartwheels are still allowed as an Acro; however, many transitions that were not viewed as cartwheels previously will now qualify as cartwheels. Basically, any move that is feet to feet (standing, squatting, bent knee) will qualify as a cartwheel. Additionally, there are deductions for creating transitions that land on the feet and knees. Consult the Code of Points to clarify all transitions before completing choreography.
C. Salto 360 degrees with maximum 1/1 twist are now allowed.
D. Acrobatic elements can be repeated.
It has been recommended that athletes be discouraged from entering the stage and exiting the stage in a theatrical, overly feminine, turning shoulders (military style), or in any exaggerated way. Presently, there is no deduction for doing these movements, but there may be one in the future because this is not considered sports-appropriate.
4. DIFFICULTY (Highlights):
A. There is no limit on the number of floor elements in Seniors (within the number of overall limits for elements in a category). For Mixed Pairs, Trios and Groups there is now a limit to just 9 elements (plus one required lift). Individual Male and Female competitors can have a total of 10 elements performed. You have 3 elements from group C landing in the push-up or split in ANY combination.
B. There is no longer a deduction for doing more than 2 combinations. However, there is no bonus awarded for performing more than 2 combinations within a routine.
C. You can now combine up to 3 elements of different families for a 0.2 bonus. Additionally, those 3 elements can include Acros as long as there are not two acrobatic elements consecutively in any combination.
D. If less than 3 groups are performed there is 1.0 deduction for the missing group.
E. For mixed pairs, trios and groups, if any combination of 2/3 elements is not done at the same time, they will have no value as Elements and no additional value added to their score but the elements will count as part of the total elements performed.
F. Also concerning combinations, if there is more than 2 combinations of 2/3 elements, the athlete(s) will be given the value of those elements, and count them in their element total but will not receive additional value for the combination or a deduction.
G. Groups can only perform two different elements at the same time for value – ONCE. If, however the same group performs two different elements a second time they will not receive a value for the elements performed, or a deduction and they will be judged as having performed one element. An example: If in a Group, two gymnasts do Straddle jump to push up and the other three gymnasts do a Cossack jump to split – the Judges will count only the one element with the lower value (Cossack jump to split).
Group A, C and D: There is now a graduated score process for elements falling in the A, C & D families. Here are some of the highlights:
i. There is now a deduction given for a touch that is considered closer to a brush. In some cases (depending on the element) it will mean that the performed element is not completely lost in difficulty. These brushes will only receive a – 0.3 deduction.
i. Unacceptable execution or clear touch or a touch with more than one body part will receive a loss of value (in difficulty) a – 0.5 deduction (in Execution).
ii. What is considered to be an Official FALL is something catastrophic. Falls do not receive Element value but also can occur while performing AMP movement (They are in a special category of deductions for Falls – 1.0 deduction).
For Elements in Group A: When finishing in a sagittal split position both hands must be on each side of the body on the floor (it is a minimum requirement to receive Difficulty value in Group A).
Group B: There is also a graduated score value for touching more than once in Group B elements.
i. Slight touch – once -0.5 (no difficulty value)
ii. More than one touch = fall – 1.0 (no difficulty value)
Group C: Landing out of control in a push-up or split position could result in a complete loss of value for the Difficulty element.
i. When landing in a push-up position, both the hands and feet should land at the same time. However, if hands and feet land slightly out of synch the difficulty value will not be lost.
ii. When landing in the split position both hands should be on the floor on each side of the body in sagittal split landings. Failure to do so will result in a complete loss of difficulty value for the element.
For all Group Elements that have turns or twists of some kind: Athletes can only receive the full value of the turns they actually complete. Many of the half turns have been removed from the code. Thus, if an athlete is trying to do 2 turns and only does 1½ turns they only receive value for 1 turn; if 2½ – value is for 2 turns.
Special Circumstances:
i. If when doing a Double Free Illusion, one hand touches the floor during first Illusion, the athlete receives value for just completing a Double Illusion.
ii. If while attempting a split jump 1/1 turn, the split legs are not open, it will receive 0.0 value. The element is not an air turn to split!!!
A. Changes to be made to the Code of Points: Under the section of General errors for incomplete turn/rotation, delete the deduction 0.5. (The only deductions for incomplete turn/rotation are 0.1/ 0.3).
B. It is possible that athletes using a long preparation to prep for the execution of ANY element will receive a deduction – 0.1 or 0.3 (for example, pausing bending your knee before executing a turn and preparing for a turn or a jump of some kind with an extended wait).
C. Acrobatic Elements performed with a touch – 0.5 deduction
D. The maximum deduction for an element (without a fall) is -0.5 deduction (for example if a MP/TR/Gr has one competitor touch the floor with his chest and another competitor touch the floor with his leg, the maximum deduction for that element is -0.5 in total. This is not considered a fall unless the same competitor touches the floor more than once).
i. In Elements with landing to sagittal split (Group A or C) – if the hands are on one side shortly after landing and are quickly moved to both sides – the deduction is 0.1 and the element counts. However, if it is the judgment of the execution judges that the hands have lingered too long on one side – the deduction is – 0.5 deduction and receives 0 value in difficulty.
ii. If the elbow touches the floor during the performance of a Helicopter to split or Wenson there is a – 0.5 deduction.
A. For music it is important to limit the number of extra accents added to the music. It is also important to avoid sound effects and extra base that is used as background under the original music.
B. To count as an AMP sequence it must be a complete 8 count (from 1) without any elements, acros or movement to the floor before the full completion of that 8 count. If the AMP movement starts in the middle of the 8 count that portion of it will not count as a part of an AMP sequence (e.g.: 5,6,7,8 does not count as a AMP sequence until it reaches count 1).
C. A minimum of 8 complete AMP Sequences are REQUIRED or the score is automatically decreased by 0.1 (per missing 8 count sequence) in Aerobic content area. Additionally, if the 8-count sequence performed is ruled to be an A minus, then the score is decreased by a- 0.1 (see the Code for new classifications of AMP sequences).
D. The quality of the AMP movements will now be judged based on the high quality of movements combining the arms and legs. Consult the Code of Points for the standard of what is now considered High Quality movement.
E. A set of movements involved in a transition is considered as one G. Each of these transitions will be judged and graded according to their difficulty and quality of movement. If the routine has 4G+ the score under General content is 2.0. Many of the movements that were formerly lifts (if they are at or below shoulder level) are now considered “G” transitions or collaborations.) To earn a G+ these movements must be interesting, intricate and of high quality.
F. The Lift that is included in the routine is to be evaluated by the CJP and is not scored under General Content (that would be a bonus). If there is more than one 1 lift in a routine it is not scored and will receive a CJP deduction. Please be very familiar with what is now defined as a lift before adding it to a routine.
G. If there is a combination of Acro+ Diff, the Acro portion of that movement counts as a G. It cannot be considered a G+ because of the element that follows.
H. There can be no more than 3 elements performed together and no more than 3-4 AMP sequences together!
I. Exaggerated facial expression, opening mouth, singing, eye blinking, etc. – immediately goes to poor scale – 1.2 – 1.3 in the Artistry portion of Artistic for the judge’s score.
A. National Development – No combinations allowed.
B. AG1 – Can have 1 combination of 2 difficulty elements or one ACRO + one difficulty element.
C. AG 2 – Can only have 2 combinations of 2 difficulty elements or ACRO + Difficulty Elements. (Combined elements cannot involve compulsory elements).
D. If AG1 or AG2 – Combines Acro + Difficulty they will receive additional value of +0.1.
E. AG 2 – Aero Dance with 6 gymnasts for all events.
F. AG 2 – 10 elements for IW/IM and 9 elements for MP, TR and GR.
G. AG 1 – Athletes can choose between Straddle support or Straddle support 1/1 turn.
H. For AG2 – Athletes can choose Straddle support or Straddle support 1/1 turn or Straddle support 2/1.
I. The requirements for a Lift for AG2 are the same as those for Seniors but Propelling is NOT ALLOWED. The acrobatic elements that can be included are according to the allowed ones for the respective age group.
A. Street dance style is compulsory (required) for the 2nd style (it should also be noted that no other style is recognized under FIG guidelines this cycle). 2nd style should be anywhere from 32 to 64 counts.
B. The emphasis on movement in Aerobic Dance should be on dance style movement sequences done in a dance way. This should include head, arms and body movements. If we see normal AMP movement like in aerobics it is just A. If they are done with a dance style movement (aerobically) it is A+.
C. If the 2nd style – street dance is great (creative – memorable) we increase the score with 0.2 in Dance Content.
D. If there is no recognizable 2nd style Dance Street Block or the 2nd style is not recognizable – the maximum score is 1.1 for Dance Content.
E. If there are elements performed with good linkings, meaning, and transitions seamlessly in the routine they will be evaluated under General Content with G+. If an element is performed with no link to dance or without meaning, it will receive no bonus under General Content. If there is a fall or touch it will affect the Artistry score and receive deductions in execution.
F. Dance movement (considered loose and with less emphasis on alignment) will not be deducted under execution by the Technical Judges.
A. Athletes are not allowed to do difficulty element or acrobatic elements in this category.
B. If there is a lift – propelling is not allowed.
C. The step must be used to the maximum.
D. There is a minimum requirement of 3 x 8ths step movements on the step by all members at the same time. If not, reduce Step Content with 0.1.
E. In order to be considered as one full step 8 count, all members should be stepping at the same time.
We hope this information will help you with the challenge of developing your athletes’ routines. As you can see there have been many additions and corrections to the first version of the new FIG Code of Points. As new amendments or updates come out we will try to direct you to the changes and their impact on scoring. It is strongly suggested that you use a conservative approach to the new rules when developing your initial choreography to avoid running into situations arising at competitions earlier in 2017 as they adjust to the new interpretations of the New Code of Points. Please let us know if we can assist you in any way. We wish everyone good luck and look forward to seeing you in Arizona.
David Williamson, ANAC Head Judge
Click HERE to download the above outline in Spanish.
ANAC AeroDance Rules – Click HERE
The ANAC proudly continues the tradition of offering the AeroDance division at the International Aerobic Championship (IAC) for individuals, mixed pairs, trios, and teams. AeroDance affords athletes of all skill levels and dance levels the opportunity to participate by offering enhancements to the Aerobic Dance division of Aerobic Gymnastics. ANAC’s AeroDance division increases the entertainment value and opportunities for creativity, artistry, and dance.
Please note, the basic fundamentals for AeroDance are the same as the FIG Code of Points for Aerobic Dance. The ANAC recognizes the FIG Code of Points as the mechanism for scoring Aerobic Dance. Any qualifying FIG COP Aerobic Dance routine can be performed at the ANAC International Aerobic Championship with opportunities to add to a score’s value by following the provisions for additional/enhanced AeroDance routines.
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